In addition to a salary, there are plenty of benefits people expect from their jobs. For example, if you work in an office, you expect to have a computer and office supplies provided. This is a bit different for remote work, though. There are several approaches you can take, but savvy companies offer remote staff plenty of benefits. Your Options on How Much to Offer Remote Staff There are two…
Even before the pandemic, there was a growing trend towards letting employees work remotely. That has only accelerated in the past year. Now, more employees than ever want to work for a company with remote work options. Some want to work remotely all the time. Others are happy to work remotely for a few days a week. ( Must Know Statistics About Remote Work in 2021 ). A remote work policy is an…
Being a great remote manager doesn't have to be intimidating. Actually, being a great remote manager depends on the same fundamentals as being a great in-office manager. That's because remote employees are driven by the same principles as on-site employees: Autonomy - The desire to direct themselves Mastery - The desire to improve and develop skills Purpose - The desire to work on something that…
You know that remote work is popular, but just how popular is it? Do remote workers earn more? Is remote work here to stay? To help answer these questions and more, we’ve gathered some of the most interesting statistics about remote work. People and Companies Like Remote Work Consider the following figures about how popular the idea of remote work is: After the pandemic, 80% of company leaders…
While working is the main goal of any job, you also need your team to have fun. This will boost employee motivation and happiness. That, in turn, will increase productivity, innovation, and loyalty. But how do you create a fun work-from-anywhere culture? Incorporate the following tips to ensure your work culture is fun and keeps your team engaged. Have Remote Virtual Coffee Breaks One of the…
Whether you want to work from anywhere or run a company that offers remote work for employees, you can use other companies for inspiration on policies. Take a closer look at the top global companies and their approaches to work from anywhere. You will see that the approaches vary greatly. The common theme, however, is that there has been an increase in work-from-anywhere policies following the…
There are numerous remote creative jobs available across various industries. While this means that there are more opportunities available for those who want a work from anywhere position, it can also make it harder to decide which job is right for you. Here, you'll learn how to choose the right remote creative job. Some of these tips overlap with how you would choose a non-remote job and some…
With remote work, it’s easy to blur the lines between home and work. Employees may find themselves working odd hours or answering emails in the middle of the night. Those quick responses seem great at first. But take a closer look; it’s better to help your remote workers separate work from their daily life. Why the Separation? How Does It Help? Keeping work and daily life separated benefits…
When most people think about the benefits of remote work, they first consider how it benefits employees. On the flip side though, remote work has many benefits for employers too. Here are some of the ways that hiring remote workers can help a company. Easier to Recruit and Wider Talent Pool Because you offer work done remotely, your employees don’t have to be from any single region. This lets you…
Remote work is quickly becoming a norm. It brings many benefits to employers and employees alike. From flexibility to work-life balance, explore how working remotely can benefit you. No Commute Right off the bat, remote work saves you the hassle of a commute. You don’t have to wake up as early or go to sleep as late. You get extra free time. You also don’t need a car or reliable transportation…
Remote work makes life easier in many ways. You don’t have to worry about the commute. This eliminates the need for transportation and the time spent on work-related activities. You also get more flexibility. But despite these benefits, remote work can have a negative toll on your mental health. Discover how remote work can affect your mental health. Then, look at how you can care for your mental…
One of the many roles of an employer is to keep employees motivated. Motivated employees are more productive. This boosts your bottom line. Employee motivation is hard enough in an office setting. It gets harder with remote work. Why It Is a Challenge Remote employees look at a screen all day long. Few have any face-to-face interaction. This makes it harder to stay motivated. Staring at a screen…
Remote work has exploded in popularity in 2020. Even prior to last year, it was picking up steam. But the pandemic made it an overnight reality. And because the world went remote so suddenly, many questions about remote work have come up. It's no surprise of course. Remote work contrasts very sharply with traditional ideas about work. More on that here . In this post, we’ll answer the most common…
Hiring remote creatives doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. Use the following guide as a checklist during the hiring process. With some simple advice, you'll be on track to hire the best creative professionals for the job. Craft the Right Job Description Start on the right foot with remote hiring as you create the job description. Make sure to include the term “virtual” or “remote” in the job…
Remote work seems more and more common. Part of this trend stems from advancing technology. Another factor is the current state of the world. But will this trend continue in the future? You can likely expect remote work to become even more common. Eventually, it will become the norm. COVID Accelerated a Trend That Was Already Happening Remote work was already increasing before COVID. More…
For many companies, the shift to remote work was a dramatic change. Because of the sudden shift, companies had to act quickly to adopt a remote work process. Many companies tried to retain what works with in-person work to remote work, with poor results. The following are some of the most common things most companies get wrong about remote work. Learning to recognize them puts you one step closer…
When the internet becomes your company's headquarters, you can keep the lights on from anywhere. No matter where your employees are, they’re able to get online and ensure everything’s running smoothly. Learn the elements of a successful remote team, so you can set your company up for success. Written Communication Is Pivotal In a remote environment, written communication is the most important…